Friday, April 16, 2010

I Agree With Dan Gardner: He Is Too Stupid To Be A Judge

Dan Gardner, considering my three criteria, denies he is too lazy to learn a second language, but admits he is too stupid and selfish, and therefore unqualified to be a Supreme Court Justice. I completely agree. If someone lacks the mental ability to learn a 2nd language, and is too selfish & narrow-minded as regards his own self-interest and those of his Ottawa Valley Orangemen brethren, like Cheryl Gallant, to think such a qualification essential in an officially bilingual country, and thus admits he is less intelligent, wise, worldly and empathetic than Stephen Harper, then I have to agree, such a person, someone who is by his own admission Harper's infinite inferior, really shouldn't be given any serious responsibilities for their fellow man, and not even for reasons of inferior language skills, although that plays a part, but simply on the grounds that someone who is less wise and empathetic on public policy matters than Stephen Harper is really beyond the pale, surely.

I am sorry to hear about how difficult it is to find ways to listen, speak and learn a second language in Canada. If only there was at least a couple of French TV and radio stations everywhere, usually more, as well as say a French TV sports station, which would make learning easier. If only there were Second Language Immersion Programs for children that were beneficial in all aspects of intellectual development. If only there were significant financial incentives offered to pursue 2nd language post-secondary education. If only there were post-secondary institutions, coast to coast, which offered 2nd language education. If only the Government of Canada would pay for students to engage in highly productive immersion experiences in 2nd language environments. And adult education courses everywhere. And francophone communities. And conversation groups. And newspapers. Etc.

Pity it is so impossible for Gardner & his ilk to find a way to learn a 2nd language. It's not that they're lazy you see, nor that they lack for opportunity, it is that they are, by Gardner's own admission, too stupid and selfish. Only in the Ottawa Valley you say? Aucune pitié.

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