Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Fillion re. QC Budget: Fair Summary & Tough Honest Question

Essential point from Radio-Canada business reporter: "And, fundamentally, aren't all these separate decisions hiding the larger one, the decision to sacrifice part of the population who, in any event, don't increase the Government's wealth, those who pay little or no taxes?"*

I'm not going to translate whole thing and if you've been paying attention you probably know most of it. But well worth reading, to have it all in one place, with proper questions and analysis. Basically, this is a decision about what kind of society one wants, and as Auger noted in his carnet, it's totally legitimate to prefer the Albertan model. But you don't want to sleepwalk into it - it's got to be a clear, open debate. I'm confident which side will win. But I'm sure all can agree on the importance of fairness, transparency & democracy in framing the debate.

*"Et, fondamentalement, ces décisions ne cachent-elles pas celle de sacrifier une partie de la population qui, de toute façon, ne rapporte pas de richesse au gouvernement, les gens qui ne paient pas ou paient peu d'impôts?"

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