Tuesday, March 31, 2009

waka of budouadana: Waiting

WaitingThe mollusk pulls backInto its shell, avoidingPossible danger,Waiting for the outside worldTo return to normalcy.

Monday, March 30, 2009

pitchers tuck by buddy don: walkin the streets of new york on a purty day

heres a few pitchers i tuck whenever me n miz bd wuz walkin round man hattan on a recent purty day.furst pitchers tuck frum the eggzack spot anne coulter advocated that timothy mcveigh shoulda eggspoded his bomb, witch tiz rite under the flags at the frunt of the ole new york times bildin ...next, a pitchers of 'lack mama, lack child,' witch ye will see whut i mean ifn ye notiss the eggspreshuns

Friday, March 27, 2009

friends of buddy don: verr nice folk

i wonta thank everbidy that wuz kind a nuff to send condolentses over the death of a long time friend. twuz nice to here frum Tennessee Jed, witch i couldnt make no comments on his site fer the longest till a cuple daze ago. n verr nice to here frum otherns that i caint menchun here (sum folks lacks to keep thar lives privutt).i wuz speshly struck by whut Anne Johnson frum The Gods Are Bored writ

Thursday, March 26, 2009

sadness of buddy don: still in a fog

tiz a good thang i have such a busy job. i dont leave no time fer thankin bout much of nuthin that dont have to do with the job.so i had a lil restbit from grief durin the day yesterdy.but whenever i gut home last nite, thay wudnt nobidy here (miz bd has a reglar committment ever winsdy evenin) n all that grief cum in on me lack a thick fog. i dint do much of nuthin n this mornin, i aint bin much

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

waka of budouadana: Hollow

for chris ...HollowDecay eats the heartOf the great, spreading oak tree,Leaving it hollow,A living shell of itself:So my old friend’s death leaves me.

sadness of buddy don: old friend dies at 57

yesterdy miz bd greeted me with sum awe full news: a friend of mine died over the weekend of a hart attack. he wuz jes 57, same as me. we had furst made friends in junior hi skool n traveled thru decades of life as best friends, tho even that dint last.thays nuthin a bidy kin do bout such a shock. ye kin shed a few tears, talk bout how ye regret lettin a friendship lag to whar ye aint seen each

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

pitchers tuck by buddy don: whut a dad my son turnt out to be

tiz easy to wurry bout the nex generayshun when one of em is yourn. ye caint hep but hope them yunguns will grow up to be able to take keer of tharself n even to brang up sum yunguns of thar own.thangs turnt out purty good on that frunt ...

Friday, March 20, 2009

waka of budouadana: Friends

FriendsBrothers and sisters,Mothers, fathers and children —All are given us —But old friends grow from choicesThat reveal our truest selves.i writ the waka above fer one of my verr best friends, witch he wuz kind a nuff to buy hisself a copy of that thar novel i writ name of shoot the devil. ye orta order yourn whilst ye kin still git one of the furst 49, witch them that buys one of em will be

Thursday, March 19, 2009

quik note of buddy don: whut i wood do

everbidy is upset over the aig bonuses, witch they accounted fer about .0916% of all the money we dun give aig ... n they pertend to be outraged over earmarks, witch they amounted to lessn 2% of the budget n wuz money that wuz a'gone be spent no matter whut, so why wood folks be upset that how it wood be spent wood be deecided by them that represents the ackshull people they represent?seems to me

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

waka of budouadana: Books

BooksBooks are memories,Reminders of what we did,What we wished to do,What we dreamed we could have done,How we became who we are.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

pitchers tuck by buddy don: visitin a nuther apple store

tuther weekend, me n miz bd went down to the apple store on 14th street, witch miz bd has dun gone mac on me on a counta she gut herself one of them macbooks n twuz all she writ, as they say. innywho, i went along fer the ride n the pleashur of her cumpny. corse, i tuck the camra, so heres a few pitchers frum the trip ...furst, we tuck the subway ...one thang ye mite not know is that thays moren

Sunday, March 15, 2009

pitchers tuck by buddy don: pitchers tuck whilst mz bd wuz visitin the apple store

this here drummer pervided the beat durin the entire wait ...ye kin see how the hole store is underground ...this here lady is wearin the latest fashun in cruel shoes ...corse i bin a sucker fer takin pitchers of lite in trees ferever ...

Friday, March 13, 2009

books of buddy don: that thar library thang

mayhap ye dun notissd a bunch of books over to the left of this here blog. i gut them a'goin by joinin a lil site name of librarything.com. i bin thankin bout trine to make a list of all the books i red, witch i know tiz a slew of em but not how big a slew. so i started addin books to that site n showin em on my left navbar. ye orta try it!btw, ye kin see n even buy ye a copy of shoot the devil

Thursday, March 12, 2009

pitchers tuck by buddy don: fergive my obsesshun

but i caint hardly git a nuff of these pitchers of lil ezekiel, so heres a few more, witch he wont crawl but tries to walk, doin a purrfeck 'downward facin dog' fer them amung ye that knows yer yoga, n he knows his legs is good fer sumthin, so whenever ye putt em on the ground, he cummences to jump up n down (long as yer holdin im).after jumpin, he lacks to look at his granny, witch that wood be

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

waka of budouadana: Desire

DesireAs haze and moistureOn the horizon alterWhite light at sunriseInto glowing rainbow hues,So desire distorts life.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

waka of budouadana: Magnolias

MagnoliaThe magnolia treesBlossom for their short season,Passing like childhood,As flower petals shrivelInto wrinkled memories.

Friday, March 6, 2009

waka of budouadana: Quilts

QuiltsAs old fabric scrapsSewn together become quilts,So neighbors unite,Becoming the foundationOf human community.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

waka of budouadana: Dogs

DogsEven snarling dogsWill soon lie down quietlyUnder the warm touchOf pure loving confidence,As two beings become one.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

pitchers tuck by buddy don: healin power of bakin

whenever them steroids kicked in n give me a lil peace frum the pane n such lack, thay wudnt a hole lot i wuz reddy to do. in a purrfeck worl whar thay wudnt no migraines, mayhap i wood be pushin that thar novel i wrote name of shoot the devil, witch ye kin read more bout that deal here.but lack innybidy that sits at lifes tabull, i gut to play the cards thats bin dealt me. so one thang i kin do

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

mizry of buddy don: cure wurser than the sickness

i bin thru a ruff patch here lately, witch far as me n miz bd kin tell, twuz a terrbull reackshun to a medicayshun i wuz a'takin fer a while. heres how thangs deeveloped:i gut sick on the weekend jes befor chrismus with a migraine that kicked me fer five days (vacayshun days, witch that made it a lil easier to take)contackted my neurologist, witch shes a goodn n calls me rite back. she had me in

Monday, March 2, 2009

waka of budouadana: Reborn

RebornAfter long illnessThe world seems almost renewed,As if a soft snowHad blanketed all symptoms,Leaving one feeling reborn.