Thursday, December 3, 2009

Torture Collusion & Cover-Up Confirmed=Lead Story

Given yesterday's confirmations I thought all media, print & electronic, would lead with the answer to the question we've been dwelling on for two weeks: Yes, Colvin was indeed telling the truth, Canadian officials did indeed collude in torture. Few media did lead with what is unquestionably the most important break in the most important story. Surely this is what all were waiting for, knowing which "he said" was right. I mean, I know only Canadian & Afghan bodies & lives hang in the balance, not to mention Geneva prosecutions, proof of cover-up, cover-up prosecutions, political & bureaucratic careers & reputations at the highest levels, & Canadian ideals & honour, but I still would have thought that was a bigger story than a marital tiff. I hope they do get around to making a big deal of it, otherwise this scandal will drag in questions about journalistic standards. Tiger over conclusive proof of complicity in torture? Really?

I would expect the Committee would announce that those named in those reports would be invited to testify to their own actions and any reports they themselves may have filed, and so on. Opposition did well in QP, Dosanjh, Bachand, Duceppe very good, as always. ICC developments bear watching. Having come so far, now, with the end in sight, is not the time to gear down. We've done the hard miles, now just need to hold our pace. Justice is near. Go for it.

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