Saturday, December 12, 2009

Irrefutable Committee Lineup

To give Govt no excuses the Opposition may want to offer a committee lineup consisting of Rae, Dosanjh, Cotler, Ménard, Paillé & Mulcair, or any six Govt approves. Terribly unfair to Dewar, Wilfert, Bachand & Lalonde, who've been superb and are completely trustworthy. But if you offer a committee of six former ministers, 3 federal, 3 provincial, and the provincial include attorney-general, industry - also trusted by cons to inquire into govt advertising, and environment in a Lib govt (and a lawyer), you remove any possible excuse for govt to cite national security. It is obscene for a govt including infamous oathbreakers and lawbreakers like MacKay & Toews to lecture anyone on trust, but if that's what it takes, that's what it takes. From the beginning I've said Libs have keep this non-partisan by agreeing to follow this wherever it goes, including Lib Govt years and they've done so. It sucks for Dewar, Bachand & Lalonde, but if that's what it takes, then other opposition parties have to be as serious as Libs and willing to make same sacrifices. Maybe the Govt doesn't have 5 MPs of its own it trusts? No, these six or offer of any six makes the Govt's position untenable. If they were to persist with same ridiculous argument, they would be further exposed as the bad faith fools they are. C'mon Cons, just do the right thing, for once, for God's sake. And if any Con MPs are listening and still believe in the democratic ideals they once enunciated with such passion, this is the time to speak up in caucus and publicly and stand up for Canadian democracy. Why should your party and your country suffer just to protect a couple of selfish lying tossers? Stand up for Canada - stand up for our democracy.

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