Friday, October 22, 2010

Selfishly, LPC Should Hope PantaloneNDP Delivers a FordCPC Victory in Tranna

I find Tranna politics & politicos ineffably boring (ie. not sure why so boring, just is), but someone needs to note that if viewed selfishly, and not as question of what's best for millions of Canadians municipally, in the Toronto mayoral race, a Ford victory, with Pantalone playing the NDP-vote-splitting role, would be great for the LPC. Let's go through some of the reasons:
1) Hammers home message to all those in the important Ontario swing ridings that a vote for the Hopeless Lefty, whether Green or NDP, is vote for the Retrograde Right. The tighter Ford's victory, with Pantalone's useless 13% on the board, the better for the LPC.

2) Nothing in Ford's CV indicates he will anything other than an absolutely incompetent mayor. It's not (necessarily) a right-wing thing: he just doesn't have the skills. Being terrible, overwhelmed by the complexities of responsibility and (a little) power, he will be a walking, talking, shouting, burping ad for conservative incompetence in government, night and day, week after week, and the need for responsible government, by someone else...hey, who's this nice centrist, over here?

3) Nenshi + Ford + O'Brien Defeat +++...means apparent anti-incumbent wave. At least, that's how it'll be seen. Great for LPC.

4) Nenshi will be good at his job, Ford bad. Nenshi is a huge story. Ford is a huge story. The contrast will be maintained as long as they're both in office, and that is a contrast that works well for LPC message of responsible government, in contrast to CPC (census! weather reports! Orwellianism, in language and behaviour!).

5) Contrast also works well if LPC would seriously like to win seats in urban areas on Prairies & in Alberta. Some people have repeatedly made the point that given demographics, culture, etc., there are a lot of urban seats the LPC could win in Alberta, Saskatchewan & Manitoba (take competitiveness in BC for granted), if smart and hard-working. Urban-Rural split more important than simplistic West-East split, as municipal politics in all three provinces indicate.

There are probably other points to be made, but I'm getting bored, and sleepy, talking about Tranna politics. Enough. Just glad Pantalone stayed in race. Was worried he might be public-spirited enough to drop out, and didn't want to blog until too late for him to drop out, so as not to give him ideas, especially after Laschinger statements, last debate, etc..

Sorry Trannians, you may have to suffer for the greater good. Cheer up though, a Rob Ford debacle = end of Harper. And the Leafs aren't out of the playoffs. Yet.

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