Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Conference Board vs. Pessimism, esp. re. Health Care

It's funny, the headline CBOC spin is pretty negative, yet as Picher points out, the report is very positive, in its details. And on health care, Canada performs better than our 16 peers on six indicators, worse on three, and average on two. Gee, that's TERRIBLE...actually, no it's not, it's really strong. And the whole report doesn't account for Canada's unique challenges of size, heterogeneity and having the American elephant next door, our overwhelming partner, with its crazy system, hideously undertaxed and underserviced, and the pressure this puts on us. In the absolute we're doing excellent, and if one was grading on a curve, we'd be tops, far and away. I mean Canada's challenges and Finland's are not exactly equivalent, eh? The only true weak spot, as always, is with our useless capitalists, with innovation as the best indicator. Take away? Great public servants and public services, weak capitalists. "Capitalists - Must Do Better".

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