Saturday, August 14, 2010

Know False Anti-Refugee Hysteria Used As Distraction, But Still Must Respond

I'm no idiot. I know Don Martin is right, I know he and Selley are probably sickened by their paper, I know it is the most cynical ploy imaginable, and all the more evil for it, consciously whipping up xenophobia and racism to try to bury the census and the betrayal of most important obligation a government has, especially one led by a supposedly pro-military sacrifice party, the obligation to our veterans, I know this. But it remains the case that when a political party and its media amplifiers play the racism-xenophobia game, they have to be denounced. One can't ignore it. One knows what is being done, and why, but even so, even knowing that, to let outrageously incoherent fear- and hate-mongering pass by unmentioned is unacceptable. Even if it is a supposed short-term political trap. We must always speak out. We must always denounce it. We must always crush it. Some thought a new low in Canadian politics was calculating the political advantages of the death of a former PM. But what does one say of people who consciously, cynically, whip up unfounded racism and xenophobia simply as a way of deflecting attention from a government's manifold failures? Is it better or worse if they are "honestly" racists, or simply pretending to be such as a way of cynically achieving a short-term political goal? Tough question. One way or another, they are really, truly the scum of the scum of the scum bubbling up from the shit of the parasites that feed on cockroaches. And I'm probably too kind. This is truly evil, almost unimaginably so for me. The people who are doing this are beyond excuses and beyond redemption. They are completely undesirable. They are unCanadian. According to their own supposed illogic, the right response would be to strip them of their citizenship, bundle them in tight unsanitary quarters on a slow ship to Sri Lanka, and have them be held in Tamil internment camps, and "interrogated" by the Sri Lankan authorities. If they're lucky, they won't be killed. Or maybe that would be too kind an end: long-term internment like that of the victims of their cynical racism might be a worse and more worthy fate for these amoebae of the underworld of the soulless.

God help us, that our politics and media are come to this. If I could resurrect their parents, or find those that are living, I'd like to have them understand just how evil their children have become, and force those children to sit and absorb the judgment of the parents and grandparents. That might be worst of all. Who. Are. These. People? W. T. F.

Almost nothing is bad enough for them. God damn them to hell. And I mean that.

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