Monday, June 7, 2010

It's All About Responsible Government - #fakelake symptom, not disease

The Harper government is a fake, a fake conservative government, failing in its duty to be a Responsible Government, in the wider rhetorical sense - economically, politically and socially - and in the most fundamental, most important, existential sense - constitutionally, democratically.

In the wider sense, I deplore, along with almost all Liberal bloggers, from I can tell, the LPC's quiescence in the Cons C-9 budget bill, an omnibus bill, contrary to all convention and good sense. It is one thing to seek to avoid an election. It is another to accept, as a real Tory, Lowell Murray, noted, such a perversion and subversion of our parliament. It is appalling that the LPC has reversed its previous principled position on free trade with Colombia, balancing human rights and trade. But the LPC is not alone. As everyone knows, as Caplan lamented, the NDP has prostituted its supposed principles, again, to cowardly ingratiate itself with the most retrograde NRA-types, of Sarah Palin USA persuasion, though no-one is fooled by their scheming. So the Opposition has much to answer for, in this degradation of our principles, our parliament, our democracy.

But however flawed the Opposition, there are not words harsh enough to describe this PMO, Harper, Harper, Harper, this Harper Government, which is literally unprecedented in its counter-revolutionary aspiration to destroy our democracy, when viewed against the backdrop of Lafontaine-Baldwin's democratic revolution and Canada's world-beating democratic traditions (1848-2010!). Canadian democracy means parliamentary democracy means parliamentary supremacy. The Speaker reaffirmed this. Knowing how many ordinary Cons remain democratic idealists, I was naive enough to believe, even until very recently, that at the end of the day, the Cons would do the right thing. I started to have misgivings just over a week ago, and said then: An Election If Necessary. A few days ago I admitted that Detainee Doc Deal Critics Probably Right, EFL Probably Wrong. The Government does not seem, even now, to be acting in good faith.

Those who have read me for a while will know how little I think of Iggy, Layton and the Bloc. But as I have said, regarding the detainee documents and parliamentary supremacy, even I didn't think so badly of Iggy, Layton, & Duceppe that they would collaborate in Harper's drowning of our democracy. For every democrat, there is a line which must not be crossed, that cannot be given, no matter the cost, because to do so would be to deny one's own meaning, to deny democracy, to make oneself party to authoritarianism.

So it is that I, that many people, have cared so much about the triumph of Parliament and democracy over a rogue executive that we have muted ourselves on other matters. There have been many bad governments and many bad oppositions. But until now, there has never been a government willing to stage a quiet coup and out-and-out overthrow the House of Commons. Never. So we have focussed on that, and resisted some of our natural critical inclinations. The Opposition simply must force the Government to obey Parliament. It simply must. And if some of our usual targets are criticised less, and less fervently, than usual, so be it. Extraordinary times call for seriousness, focus and sacrifice.

Canada was a party to torture.

The Government of Canada is illegitimately, undemocratically, illegally hiding documents relating to this torture.

There is a very real risk that one or more of the Opposition parties, not seeing the forest for the trees, will turn collaborator, and allow this Illegitimate Harper Government to get away with overthrowing democracy, with torture, for the sake of short-term political calculation.

Let me just say, on behalf of many, that that is not acceptable. I know many, virtually all, progressive bloggers have spoken on this matter, whatever their persuasion. But let me reiterate on behalf of myself and many others that Canadian democracy must be defended. Parliamentary Supremacy must be upheld. The Government must arrive at an agreement regarding the detainee documents in good time and in good faith. Failing that, the Opposition must proceed with its contempt motion(s). It must.

Many are watching. Any who fail to do their duty and defend democracy will feel the full brunt of our resistance. Collaborators would be as guilty as the Illegitimate Harperites, more even, as their knowing banality made them party to evil.

We have been exceedingly understanding. But the time has come. If there is an honourable deal, then do it, now. Otherwise, do your duty and have the People of Canada, through their Parliament, express their contempt for this Illegitimate Government.

Do it. Or else.

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