Monday, February 8, 2010

Health Infrastructure, Literally: Maximum Benefit to Cost

Watch this. Chinese did it. Germans copied them, and more. Finns studied & built better. Even pasty-faced Brits are onboard. Some are thinking modular. We should get on it. Once, visiting Ottawa and out for a run, I came across similar thing by Mooney's Bay beach, named after famous canoeist, "Sue Holloway Fitness Centre", though a bit run down. Excellent work out, and free. Why don't we do more of this? Surely there's no "Big Gym" lobby to stop us? Better use of public funds than those targetted tax cuts for gym memberships. Free fun sturdy workout centres for all ages, good for what 20, 40 years, with basic maintenance? As far as health costs, could there be a better investment? Relatively minuscule investment for huge savings. And what's the opposite of amortisation, compound interest? Over time, value of initial investment is compounded many times over. And appeals to highest voting segment of population...

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