Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Hon. Flora MacDonald, TORY, More Principled than the LPC on Human Rights

To understand how far Canadian politics has sunk, consider that the Honourable Flora MacDonald, PC, CC, O.Ont, ONS, former Progressive Conservative cabinet minister (not just any, but Flora!), is now "to the left", that is, more principled, on human rights, than the supposed "Liberal" Party of Canada. That's not because she's moved left, it's because Canadian politics, and the Liberal Party, have moved so far "right" (in quotation marks because I don't think human rights are a right-left issue for democrats, but rather a question of principled/unprincipled). And thanks to Airhead Brison, and the rest of the LPC which reversed itself and went along with his crush on Uribe and his gang of thugs, we are now more indifferent to human rights than Flora MacDonald. Lowell Murray, another legendary Progressive Conservative, tried to get us to respect our own principles on parliamentary democracy, and failed. Flora MacDonald tries to get us to respect our own supposed principles on human rights, and fails. Think of it: the LPC may well be to the right of Mulroney's Progressive Conservatives! Just reflect on that, fellow Liberals. Think of what you thought/think of Mulroney's government, now think of where your own is, in comparison. Is this what you want? Is this the LPC you want? Do what you can to put the "liberal" back in the Liberal Party.
Flora MacDonald:
The other Colombia

It is incredibly discouraging to read another article about “the buoyant, hopeful and utterly entrepreneurial” mood in Colombia without any mention of the ongoing human-rights abuses in that country (Canada’s Growing Colombian Connection – July 15). Forced displacement, threats against human-rights defenders and murders of trade unionists continue.

With foreign investment there are not just “pressures on local communities, particularly Afro-Colombian and indigenous populations,” but threats and killings of indigenous peoples and threats and attacks against Afro-Colombian communities living in areas of economic interest. This, too, is part of the Colombian story.

Flora Macdonald, Toronto

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