Thursday, January 14, 2010

Mulcair: NDP (willing) To Defeat Govt Over Anti-Democracy

12.14 mark. In context of discussion, asked about whether, upon reopening of Parliament, willing to defeat Govt as a result of anti-democratic behaviour and launch an election, NDP Deputy Leader says "The Govt has locked out Parliament and it's obvious in my view that the NDP could absolutely not support that and you will see a very severe attitude to the Govt". "Absolutely not support that", in the context of response to question about willingess to support or not the Govt, cause or not an election, means the NDP is willing to defeat them. Absolutely. I'm glad Mulcair has clarified the NDP position, and their earlier seemingly quiescent messaging was simply miscommunication. Looking forward to seeing them report for work on the Hill, as Canadians are demanding, on the 25th.

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