Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Zionist Forces to block Face book & G-mail


From Al Qassam website - The Zionist Army Forces plans to announce it's intention to block several prominent websites, among them the social networks Face book and Twitter, as well as email sites like G-mail.

The head of the intelligence corps information security Gadi Abadi told Zionist Channel 2 on Tuesday that the sites would be blocked on computers which have Internet connections on army bases and offices where classified materials are kept.

However, these sites would be accessible from computers situated in the unit's break rooms. Soldiers would still be able to access the blocked sites on their cellular phones.

Abadi claim that the block aims to maintain information security.

The Zionist decision took place following the Second Lebanon War in 2006.Hezbollah logged in to the Face book site as "blondewoman",and this Face book user managed to extract classified Information.

Military Intelligence also disseminated a memo on the protocols of transfer of information on line in efforts to raise awareness on the dangers of such inadvertent leaks.

Recently, several scandals revealed by Zionist soldiers on the Face book as  the being the victims in the latest scandal. An Israeli soldier is filmed while he is dancing around a bound Palestinian woman. The women is said, that she will sue the Israeli army over the abuse and humiliation she went through.

Earlier, a former Israeli soldier has raised an outrage on the Internet after posting photographs of herself posing next to blindfold Palestinian detainees on Face book.

Photographs uploaded by Eden Abergil from Ashdod and labeled “IDF –the best time of my life” show her smiling next to Palestinian detainees with their hands bound and their eyes covered.

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