Thursday, May 13, 2010

Les barbus, plus dignes de confiance? Bullshit

Seuls les péquistes purs et durs se réjouiront de cet article invraisemblable. All this shows is the Untrustworthiness of the Chronicle of Higher Education, the Journal of Marketing Communications, "Market Communications Studies" themselves (what BS), and middle-aged press editors who highlight such things to justify hiding their triple-chins behind beards, instead of getting in shape. Pratte, see Boisvert and go for a run, instead of inflicting this hideous pro-beard indoctrinating propaganda on us.

Yes, I am prejudiced and I make no bones about it. I am firmly, nay virulently, anti-beard. I don't say, in theory, people don't have a basic human right to disport whatever facial hair they choose, but in public? I guess. OK. But I make the laïciste beirdos a deal: if we agree government services should only be available to the clean-shaven, or stubbly, max, then I'll also go for the veil ban. Liberal ideals oblige me to tolerate beard wearers. But if laïcité meant we could ban all beards from the public, or "civic" space, pace Louise the French Suckup, then I could go for it. Maybe...

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