Friday, October 31, 2008

pomes of buddy don: An Item that Nobody Wants

An Item that Nobody WantsBlack and white thinking seems so very clearExcept that it mistakes the facts for the smearExcept that it misses the complexitiesOf the hearts and the minds of our “enemies.”Such thinking’s the province of our politicsAt least from one side (though nothing much sticks),But they think a scholar is a terroristIf he doesn’t blend into their great white mist.Imagine a PC with

Thursday, October 30, 2008

joy of buddy don: them phils!

ifn yer a long time reader of this here blog, ye dun alreddy know i have been rootin fer them phillies since i wuz 8 years ole (1962). i cum to be a phillies fan one saturdy when thay wuz a game on the tee vee twixt the phillies n cubs. at that time, i had more baseball cards frum them two teams than i had frum inny other team. i had been a'rootin fer the yankees up till then (in the south thay

Saturday, October 25, 2008

waka of budouadana: Age

AgeOur senses are dimmedAs we age and grow weaker,Yet oddly enoughSensitivity to painBecomes ever more acute.(ifn ye wonta make a comment, ye gut to click on 'link' below.)

Friday, October 24, 2008

waka of budouadana: Navel

NavelWe all share one scar,A keepsake punctuationAt the beginningOf life’s limited sentence,Our body's first memory.(ifn ye wonta make a comment, ye gut to click on 'link' below.)

Thursday, October 23, 2008

waka of budouadana: Drain

DrainAs leaves fall to earth,As sands in an hourglassDrop like salty tears,As raindrops deplete great clouds,So our brief lives drain away.(ifn ye wonta make a comment, ye gut to click on 'link' below.)

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

pomes of buddy don: What Voters See

What Voters SeeOnce more the same old arguments are madeAs left and right line up this year to fightWith each side’s “fairness” a bald masqueradeThat barely even tries to be polite.A voter on the right has to believeThat middle names and inexperienceShould trump good judgment and what’s been achievedBy brains and drive and uncommon good sense.A voter on the left must live in fearThat voters will

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

This is Really Getting Old

Theocrats are being dragged into the future kicking and screaming; especially when you have universities in in Kentucky rehashing the Scopes trial even though the issue has long been settled (Or should have been) within the scientific community. America has not been founded with a state religion despite what the religious right would have you believe. How often must people listen to these lunatics before they understand that religion does not belong on the curriculum of a public school?

The fact that religious right is so intent on inserting itself into the US public school system should be a warning as to what exactly it has in mind. It mirrors the "hook 'em while they're young" approach used by the tobacco industry. However, I would say that tobacco executives are more honest by comparison as religion has been running this scam for thousands of years.

The "Greens" Are Running Out of Arguments

This has got to be one of the most idiotic reasons to oppose nuclear power that I have ever heard of. There are literally THOUSANDS of fish eggs produced by a single female with most fish, and of that number, only a few hundred would survive whether or not they were caught in a nuclear cooling tower. Fish eggs are tasty to a large number of animals; this is why fish evolved to produce large numbers of eggs to compensate for the amount of predation that their eggs face.

There is also the fact that even if all of those eggs actually hatched into fish fry, most of them would soon be gobbled down by creatures that like to eat baby fish. This also includes their parents in some cases. The fish roe and the fry that hatch from it are doomed in most ecosystems anyway, so it is no big loss to the environment.

Also, why single out nuclear power for this attack, when dams destroy millions of fish eggs and adult fish every year? This is not unique to nuclear power. This also fails to take into account that most LWR sites actually recirculate the water that is taken from an artificially constructed pond or lake, anyway. Finally, if we are going to talk about environmental damage to aquatic ecosystems then surely coal shares a large part of the blame for directly contributing to the phenomenon of mercury and heavy metal contamination of the surrounding water table.

waka of budouadana: Love

LoveEach newborn baby,Born in complete ignorance,Utter helplessness,And ravenous selfish needs,Inspires mother’s selfless love.(ifn ye wonta make a comment, ye gut to click on 'link' below.)

Monday, October 20, 2008

waka of budouadana: Rollercoaster

RollercoasterA rollercoasterSlowly rises to the crestOf its highest point,Seems to pause — what a great view! —Then plunges with giddy speed.this lil waka mite look lack tiz bout the economy, but tiz really bout migraines n the highs n lows they putt a bidy thru.(ifn ye wonta make a comment, ye gut to click on 'link' below.)

Thursday, October 16, 2008

waka of budouadana: Patriotism

PatriotismThose of us born hereBelieve without questioningThat our land is best,Even without visitingAny other place on earth.(ifn ye wonta make a comment, ye gut to click on 'link' below.)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

waka of budouadana: Reach

ReachLow lying dark cloudsObscure the bright orange redOf the rising sun,Creating angel laddersThat reach for the high heavens.(ifn ye wonta make a comment, ye gut to click on 'link' below.)

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

waka of budouadana: Transformation

TransformationAll springs flow downhillInto small inlets and brooks,Transforming themselvesInto powerful rivers,Becoming one with great seas.(ifn ye wonta make a comment, ye gut to click on 'link' below.)

Monday, October 13, 2008

waka of budouadana: Roots

RootsRipening acornsFall each year to loamy earth,Where squirrels steal them,Thorny weeds choke tender sprouts,And few find good soil for roots.(ifn ye wonta make a comment, ye gut to click on 'link' below.)

Friday, October 10, 2008

pitchers tuck by buddy don: on a counta i caint thank of innythang to rite

nuther homeless in man hattan, witch i shore am hopin that dont git more common than tiz alreddy ...wunder ifn these folks has been chrismus shoppin?i gut lodes of pitchers, moren i could ever post, witch tiz amazin how minny folks looks wurried ...(ifn ye wonta make a comment, ye gut to click on 'link' below.)

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

pitchers tuck by buddy don: walkin round town

so much fer our retirement accounts: thar near ded, not that i could live without wurkin innywho. so tuther day, i tuck a lil walk round town whilst miz bd wuz sponsorin a class, witch that meant she had to be thar the hole time. sum folks wuz outta focus, but sumhow still revealin. furst, how stressd folks kin git when the wunder how to pay thar bills n raze thar kids ...then thays the need to

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

waka of budouadana: Upstream

UpstreamSmall divided creeksFlow in diverse directions,Yet moving upstreamIn search of their simple source,All seekers come together.(ifn ye wonta make a comment, ye gut to click on 'link' below.)

Monday, October 6, 2008

waka of budouadana: Clothing

ClothingThe trees shed their leaves,Blanketing the frigid earth,Bare branches exposedTo chilly winds as peopleUnpack warm winter clothing.(ifn ye wonta make a comment, ye gut to click on 'link' below.)

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Stupid Child Tricks

I had a vasectomy last year at 23. I do not have any children, and I have never wanted any. Ever. Many people said that my decision was premature and rash, but I do not have any regrets about it. I will be quite frank, children make me cringe. I have neither the patience or the temperment to deal with one on a daily basis. Especially when something like this happens...

I am sorry, but this sort of behavior is INEXCUSABLE even from a child. In order for a child to do this even at such a young age is a sign of some sort of mental pathology. The child might be too young to face criminal charges but I do think that the child should be given a psychiatric evaluation, and be forbidden to go within 50 feet of anybody's pets or zoos. This sort of wanton destructive behavior on his part might eventually extend to other people around him if his mental condition is not diagnosed and treated now instead of waiting until something like this happens to his classmates.

Hope for Thorium Based Power?

Senators Harry Reid and Orrin Hatch introduced the Thorium Energy Independence and Security Act of 2008 on the 2nd of October.

This would clear some of the hurdles in place with the DOE and the NRC that would prevent advanced fission reactors like the LFTR from being built in the US. It would also mean that the thousands of tons worth of surplus thorium that the US has buried in the southwest would finally have a use. Other than the surplus, the US has a very high concentration of minerals that could be mined for thorium ore in Lehmi Pass, Idaho.

If this bill passes, and I hope it does, it would mean that America's energy policy would have some direction after all. Wind and solar power are not going to cut it, and coal has long overstayed its welcome. As an added bonus, the fission byproducts that result from a thorium fission reacton are practically useless for making nuclear warheads out of.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

pitchers tuck by buddy don: cuple wide angulls

i dint have my tripod with me, so i coudnt do no hdr n i wonted to keep the angel ladder effeck n the shiney water n all, witch thats how im trine to splain why tiz so dark n all ...this heres the site of that cherokee weddin miz bd cunducted last saturdy(ifn ye wonta make a comment, ye gut to click on 'link' below.)

Friday, October 3, 2008

pomes of buddy don: My Job

My JobThey tried to explain the crisis to me,But I just could not understandHow margins and credit lines increasinglyAre no longer ours to command,How years of getting just what we wantedHave left us with nothing we wantExcept to know that we must act undaunted,Pretending to be nonchalant,How regulations that we put in placeTo ensure such things couldn’t happenWere simply ignored or even

Thursday, October 2, 2008

waka of budouadana: bof sides now

everbidy knows that the news has evolved to a higher form whar them news talkers on tee vee dont know whuts true n whuts not. so insted of findin out n reportin it, they call it 'news' whenever they git folks on eethur side of a topick to cum into the studio nflap thar gums on whutever they claim is the n miz bd lack to thank of it as the 'bof sides now' method of pertendin to deeliver

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

waka of budouadana: Grip

GripEach leaf is a lifeThat runs its course from green youthTo dry yellowed age,Waving with every breezeUntil it loses its grip.(ifn ye wonta make a comment, ye gut to click on 'link' below.)