Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Is an act of treason punishable by execution in Palestinian Law ?

By Hiyam Noir 

January 25 2010 

According to the Ramallah regime, it is necessary to prevent expansion of Israeli settlements in the West Bank and East al-Quds (Jerusalem).

In September 2010, the Ramallah regime, Palestinian Authority (PA), stressed that land sales to Israelis is a major crime punishable with a death sentence.The PA later reaffirmed the death penalty for Palestinians, which has been found guilty of selling land to Israelis and insisted that the Palestinian land law, with regards to land sales to Israelis is a major crime to be punished by execution.

Interestingly,the decree came right after the ruling by a Palestinian court, saying that such acts, selling land to the Israelis, are to be considered a minor offense.The PA Prosecutor General Ahmeal-Mughni,prompted swiftly  to appeal against the ruling to a higher court, arguing that the sale of land to Israelis, was a major offense punishable by death, the appeal was accepted.

The 'Law for Preventing the Sale of Real Estate to the Enemy' was originally put into effect by the Kingdom of Jordan between the years of 1948 and 1967.

During the Ramallah reign, Palestinian land has been eroded, given away, bartered or sold to the enemy.The Ramallah regime have never had legitimate power to act as real estate agents for Palestinian landowners. Mahmoud Abbas and Sa'eb Ereikat have never had the authorisation to sell the land and property of the Palestinian people.

The Ramallah regime of PA adopted the land law and announced that it would seek the death penalty for any Palestinian who threatened the state's security and prosperity by selling land to the Israelis.It drafted its own 'Property Law for Foreigners' which described the sale of land to "occupiers” as an act of “national treason.” However, Ramallah has so far refrained from executing those convicted of selling land to Israeli settlers.

Clearly defined,  the Ramallah regime has been criminal and illegitimate from beginning to the end.The Ramallah regime has committed acts of treachery and treason which have directly affected the secure building of a prosperous and sovereign Palestinian state.

The Ramallah regime have ruled by collaborating and cooperation's with the invader and the occupant,the failed Enterprise Israel.During the Ramallah reign Palestinians have been tortured and executed for remaining good patriots resisting the occupation.The Ramallah regime has taking part in propaganda against and politically  eliminated its own people.

The Ramallah regime has participated in collaborationist organisations and parties against the interests of the Palestinian people. The Ramallah regime have betrayed it's own people,by waging war against it, consciously and purposely acting to aid the enemies.The Ramallah regime has formed zeal with the occupant Israel, and the United States.

The Ramallah regime accepted money and weapons from United States and Israel who promised them political support.The Ramallah regime has made many attempt to overthrow the legitimate elected Palestinian government of Hamas.
According to Palestinian land law, selling Palestinian land and property to the Israelis, is an acts of treason punishable by death sentence, executions must be enacted for those perpetrators who are found guilty of selling land to the Israelis.

The Ramallah regime has a long record of criminal activity. But one crime that stands out, and can never be forgiven and forgotten, the different  players in the fragmented illegal PA - Ramallah regime have practised deceit, breached the quality of loyalty, empathy and affection to it's own kinship, the Palestinian people.

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